France 🇫🇷
Working on a seagrass restoration programme in France that isn’t one of the below?
Then join the ESRA community by registering for the 2nd European Seagrass Restoration Workshop and you will be invited to feature your project here.
Le Parc naturel marin du Bassin d’Arcachon
Le plan de gestion 2017-2032 du Parc naturel marin du Bassin d’Arcachon vision is for the “Restauration des herbiers à des surfaces et fonctions équivalentes à celles du début des années 2000″ (restoration of the meadows to the surface area and function equivalent of the early 2000s).
Étang de Berre
Projet ReHAB has a restoration target of 1,500ha (of mixed seagrass meadows; Cymodocea nodosa, Zostera marina and Nanozostera noltii) to be restored within the lagoon. Prior to the 1960s the Étang de Berre was home to over 6000ha of seagrass, but by 2009 just 1.2ha remained. Today the pressures on the lagoon are now significantly reduced, paving the way for seagrass recovery.