Call for Abstracts

We are excited to announce the call for abstracts for the 2nd European Seagrass Restoration Workshop is officially open. The event will take place from April 8th-10th, 2025, at the Palais des Congrès, Arcachon.

The abstract should CLEARLY RELATE TO THE DELIVERY OF, OR APPLICATION TO, BOTH PASSIVE AND ACTIVE SEAGRASS (namely Posidonia oceanica, Cymodocea nodosa, Z.marina, Nanozosera noltii) RESTORATION PROGRAMMES IN EUROPE.

Abstracts for TALKS should be submitted to [email protected] in an editable format, by 23:59 on Friday 13th December 2024. (NOW CLOSED)

Abstracts for POSTERS should be submitted to [email protected] in an editable format, by 23:59 on Friday 14th March 2025.

Please note that abstracts should be broad and applicable to a wide audience.

Suggested format for abstracts:

1 page – max. 250 words


Author1, Author2, Author3 and Author4

1  Department of…. –  

2  Department of… – 

3  Department of….

4  Department of….

Preferred presentation medium (include as appropriate): (i) talk (ii) poster

Are you a student? (include as appropriate): Yes / No. 

Please also provide a social media abstract (max. 280 characters) to assist online promotion, along with ONE complementary image to go alongside the social media text (study species, map of location, photograph of your team, image of equipment etc).

If you are on Instagram or LinkedIn please provide details of your handle(s) @someone (or an appropriate account to tag). Don’t worry if you are not on social media.

Formatting guidance:

The title should be typed in font Arial 14 pt bold.

The Authors’ names should be typed in Arial 9 pt, with the presenting Author underlined.

The Authors’ affiliations should be typed in Arial 8 pt italics.  The email address of the presenting Author is requested, and he/she will be referred to also as the Corresponding Author.

The main text should be typed in Times New Roman 10 pt. 

A brief paragraph with acknowledgements may be added at the end of the main text.

A limited number of citations in the text are allowed, and the relevant list of references should be added at the end of the abstract. The references should be typed in Times New Roman 9 pt.

For consistency, please do not exceed 1 page – max. 250 words in this format.


All the Authors are kindly thanked for having submitted an abstract formatted according to this template.

Limited references

Authors (Year).  Title.  Journal title, number (issue) and page numbers.

For more information or queries, please contact [email protected].