Ireland 🇮🇪
Working on a seagrass restoration programme in Ireland?
Then join the ESRA community by registering for the 2nd European Seagrass Restoration Workshop and you will be invited to feature your project here.
Kilkieran Bay, Connemara (County Galway)
CLIMAREST is a European project focuses on Zostera marina and Nanozostera noltii restoration in Ireland and southern Spain. It aims to implement tools for restoration actions, monitor seagrass ecosystems and promote stakeholder engagement.
In Ireland the University of Galway is leading restoration actions across the the country, but with a primary site in Connemara, Galway.
Killala Bay (County Mayo)
Killala Bay is a Special Protection Area (SPA, Code: IE004036) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC, Code: IE000458) (NPWS). A N. noltei meadow in this area was selected as a reference site to test transplant techniques. Over time, the meadow has suffered fragmentation due to historical activities, agricultural run-off, competition from opportunistic seaweeds, and unsustainable harvesting practices.
Tralee Bay (County Kerry)
Tralee Bay Nature Reserve is recognized as a Wetland of International Importance under Article 2.5 of the Ramsar Convention. Transplants of both Z. marina and N. noltei have been carried out here. The area faces threats from eutrophication, sea-level rise, and coastal erosion. Additional pressures include unsustainable harvesting of seagrass flowers by local hatcheries, scallop trawling, and trampling of seagrass beds.