ESRA Community – Practitioner Database

Welcome to the ESRA Community Practitioner database. Seagrass restoration in Europe benefits widely from sharing experience and expertise as well as enthusiastic collaboration between projects. ESRA seeks to support this ongoing knowledge exchange and to assist those currently undertaking and those new to restoration, in finding and connecting with the expertise they need to make their project a success.

Join the ESRA Community Practitioner database

Please join us for the 2nd European Seagrass Restoration Workshop in Bassin d’Arcachon and from there you will be invited to submit your details to the ESRA Practitioner database.

Nanozostera noltiiBiodiversityMonitoringPolicy
Zostera marinaBlue CarbonRemote SensingFinance
Cymodocea nodosaWater QualityEngineeringCommunity
Posidonia oceanicaMigratory SpeciesNurseryCommunication
The ESRA Community Practitioner database.